

Page history last edited by DustinWindsor 11 years, 10 months ago


About Scratch

Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn important mathematical and computational ideas, while also learning to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. It is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the M.I.T. Media Lab in Cambridge, Mass.


Download Scratch

Scratch is a free program available for download at http://scratch.mit.edu


Andrew's Scratch Game

Here is Andrew's final project, a Scratch game. This is an excellent example of the expectations for an individual project. Have fun with the game, but take a good look at his programming. 

Andrew's Final Project 


Our Favorites

Here are some of our favorite projects from the Scratch main page. If you see others you like, let me know so we can add them to the gallery. There are lots of other galleries available as well, or you can create your own. Just create an account on the website and begin selecting your own favorites. (But be sure to let us know, too, so we can add them to the class gallery)


EISD Favorites Gallery

Another Great Gallery

Top Loved Scratch Projects


Learning Scratch

Scratch - Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web.

  • Learn Scratch - Unit 1 (8 lessons) - This introductory course will allow you to quickly and easily learn how to use some of the capabilities of Scratch. You will learn how to move Sprites (people, animals, objects, etc.) in your programs, how to add sounds, how to change colors, control actions with the mouse or the keyboard, how to design your own Sprites, etc.
  • Learn Scratch - Unit 2 (24 lessons) - This course is organized into 24 Lessons corresponding to 5 Units. The Lessons introduce systematically each of the almost one hundred building blocks which together form the graphic programming language Scratch.
  • Learn Scratch - Unit 3 (32 lessons) - In this course you will find video tutorials describing the implementation of Scratch projects. It includes 32 Lessons grouped into 7 Units. Each Unit corresponds to a thematic group:  Animation, Drawing, Games, Interactive Art, Math, Music and Simulation. These lessons describe the structure and operation of projects submitted by programmers to the Scratch official site.
  • Other Tutorials:


Our Projects


Level 1

The Basics - Create a cat and dog chasing game whilst learning the basics of how to use Scratch.

Moving Eyes Video

Eye Code & Lazy Eye Code

Moving Eyes Video Files: Video 1  Video 2

Moving Eyes Graphics

Would you like to create a set of moving eyes that follow your mouse? Watch the video tutorials to find out how to re-create the eyes. Pause the video after each point and recreate the game yourself. You can use the graphics provided in the zip file. 

Level 2

Car Racing Game

Car Racing Game Video Files - Video 1   Video 2

Car Racing Game Graphic Files

Create a car racing game for two players. This game is also fun using your own graphics. You can also use the graphics provided to give your game an arcade look. Try to extend the game and add in some extra features of your own. 

Level 3


Helicopter Video File

Helicopter Graphic Files

Learn to create a game which allows you to pilot a helicopter through the caves by watching the video and copying what you see. Download the graphics from the zip file on the left-hand side. 

Level 4


Tank Video

Tanks Graphic Files 

In this activity you will create a tank which could lead to your own game. Watch the video to find out how to create the tank game. Remember to hit pause from time to time and recreate the game Download the graphics from the zip file. 

Space Invaders

Space Invaders & Space Invaders Advanced

Space Invaders Graphics

A classic space invaders game.

Here are 2 videos, the first takes you through the main ideas, and the second shows you some advanced programming techniques. Remember to hit pause from time to time and recreate the game Download the graphics from the zip file.

Level 5


Part 1 & Part 2

Asteroids Graphic Files 

Learn how to create another classic game.

Watch the 2 videos to find out how to create an asteroids game. Remember to hit pause from time to time and recreate the game Download the graphics from the zip file.


The Extra Mile

Shark and Fishes Game

Parrot Game

Pong Game

Racing Game


Have Fun

The Scratch files below are for your enjoyment. Download them and enjoy a couple of classic games that were created in Scratch. Can you create something this cool in Scratch? Of course, you can. Why not give it a try? Get some inspiration from the files below and get busy on your own great Scratch project.


Super Mario Brothers

Rock Paper Scissors




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